Monday, June 1, 2009

Food Starcharts

Food Starcharts are mappings of foodballs along the gastrologic elliptical- cartesian color comparisons of what foods are commonly paired with any two given foods on an X vs Y axis.

Here's a food starchart of everything that pairs with butter vs everything that pairs with olive oil:

These visualizations are from the Food Genome, a big hungry brain that is trying to learn everything there is to know about food.

Here is a food starchart of Thyme, paired with itself -- extending a needle from common pairings (beef broth, mushroom) toward strange ones (buttermilk, cucumber).

See the rest of the set enlarged, with descriptive captions at this Monkeyview Gallery: Food Starcharts.


  1. a short of explanation on how to read these would be great. also. i want to print one for my wall...need to go to kinkos. more posts comign up?

  2. Can't look at large versions on monkeyview due to some error. But I sure wish I could.
